Sunday 24 May 2015

108 Names of Lord Krishna

II 108 Names of Lord Krishna II
Achala Still Lord
Achyuta Infallible Lord
Adbhutah Wonderful God
Adidev The Lord Of The Lords
Aditya The Son Of Aditi
Ajanma One Who Is Limitless And Endless
Ajaya The Conqueror Of Life And Death
Akshara Indestructible Lord
Amrut One Who Is Sweet As Nectar
Anaadih One Who Is The First Cause
Anandsagar Compassionate Lord
Ananta The Endless Lord
Anantajit Ever Victorious Lord
Anaya One Who Has No Leader
Aniruddha One Who Cannot Be Obstructed
Aparajeet The Lord Who Cannot Be Defeated
Avyukta One Who Is As Clear As Crystal
Balgopal The Child Krishna, The All Attractive
Bali The Lord Of Strength
Chaturbhuj Four-Armed Lord
Danavendra Granter Of Boons
Dayalu Repositiory Of Compassion
Dayanidhi The Compassionate Lord
Devadidev The God Of The Gods
Devakinandan Son Of Mother Devaki
Devesh Lord Of The Lords
Dharmadhyaksha The Lord OF Dharma
Dwarkapati Lord Of Dwarka
Gopal One Who Plays With The Cowherds, The Gopas
Gopalpriya Lover Of Cowherds
Govinda One Who Pleases The Cows, The Land And The Entire
Gyaneshwar The Lord Of Knowledge
Hari The Lord Of Nature
Hiranyagarbha The All Powerful Creator
Hrishikesh The Lord Of All Senses
Jagadguru Preceptor Of The Universe
Jagadisha Protector Of All
Jagannath Lord Of The Universe
Janardhana One Who Bestows Boons On One And All
Jayantah Conqueror Of All Enemies
Jyotiraaditya The Resplendence Of The Sun
Kamalnath The Lord Of Goddess Lakshmi
Kamalnayan The Lord With Lotus Shaped Eyes
Kamsantak Slayer Of Kamsa
Kanjalochana The Lotus-Eyed God
Keshava One Who Has Long, Black Matted Locks
Krishna Dark-Complexioned Lord
Lakshmikantam The Lord Of Goddess Lakshmi
Lokadhyaksha Lord Of All The Three Lokas (Worlds)
Madan The Lord Of Love
Madhava Knowledge Filled God
Madhusudan Slayer Of Demon Madhu
Mahendra Lord Of Indra
Manmohan All Pleasing Lord
Manohar Beautiful Lord
Mayur The Lord Who Has A Peacock Feathered-Crest
Mohan All Attractive God
Murali The Flute Playing Lord
Murlidhar One Who Holds The Flute
Murlimanohar The Flute Playing God
Nandgopala The Son Of Nand
Narayana The Refuge Of Everyone
Niranjana The Unblemished Lord
Nirguna Without Any Properties
Padmahasta One Who Has Hands Like Lotus
Padmanabha The Lord Who Has A Lotus Shaped Navel
Parabrahmana The Supreme Absolute Truth
Paramatma Lord Of All Beings
Parampurush Supreme Personality
Parthasarthi Charioteer Of Partha - Arjuna
Prajapati Lord Of All Creatures
Punyah Supremely Pure
Purshottam The Supreme Soul
Ravilochana One Who Eye Is The Sun
Sahasraakash Thousand-Eyed Lord
Sahasrajit One Who Vanquishes Thousands
Sahasrapaat Thousand-Footed Lord
Sakshi All Witnessing Lord
Sanatana The Eternal Lord
Sarvajana Omniscient Lord
Sarvapalaka Protector Of All
Sarveshwar Lord Of All Gods
Satyavachana One Who Speaks Only The Truth
Satyavrata The Truth Dedicated Lord
Shantah Peaceful Lord
Shreshta The Most Glorious Lord
Shrikanta Beautiful Lord
Shyam Dark-Complexioned Lord
Shyamsundara Lord Of The Beautiful Evenings
Sudarshana Handsome Lord
Sumedha Intelligent Lord
Suresham Lord Of All Demi-Gods
Swargapati Lord Of Heavens
Trivikrama Conqueror Of All The Three Worlds
Upendra Brother Of Indra
Vaikunthanatha Lord Of Vaikuntha, The Heavenly Abode
Vardhamaanah The Formless Lord
Vasudev All Prevailing Lord
Vishnu All Prevailing Lord
Vishwadakshinah Skilfull And Efficient Lord
Vishwakarma Creator Of The Universe
Vishwamurti Of The Form Of The Entire Universe
Vishwarupa One Who Displays The Universal Form
Vishwatma Soul Of The Universe
Vrishaparvaa Lord Of Dharma
Yadavendra King Of The Yadav Clan
Yogi The Supreme Master
Yoginampati Lord Of The Yogis

Do Not Forget Krishna Always Remember Krishna...
  😀😀Hare Krishna☺☺

Saturday 30 June 2012

About krishna janmastami

Sri Krishna taught us Karma Yoga. He strongly dictated in Gita that a man is bound to get the fruits of his actions. If he has done good actions/deeds throughout his life, he will get good results. The real meaning of Janamashtami vow is to become Karamyogi like Krishna. One should always follow the right path and never tolerate injustice. Karma yoga is action (karma) performed without expectations or thought of reward. This selfless service of karma yoga is the path by which the mind is most quickly purified and its limits transcended. The karma yogi works hard, both physically and mentally. He seeks to eliminate the ego and its attachments, to serve humanity without expecting rewards, and to see unity in diversity . This enables him to tune to the one underlying divine essence that dwells within all beings. Karma yoga is most suitable for people who have an active temperament. It involves working in the world and giving of oneself in a selfless way. The real essence is to become a selfless Karamyogi.

                            All advices and sermons Sri Krishna laid down in Gita, every word that he uttered, whether he was talking of Yoga or of stable genius (sthitaprajna), wisdom, always gave inspiration to fight and propelled them against the injustice. The perishability of the body, immortality of the soul, concentration of the mind, and undisturbed equanimity, calm and peaceful disposition of mind – all was to be described and explained in detail by Krishna so that Arjun, caught in the bewitching trap and completely at his wit's end should pick up his arms and pounce upon injustice, otherwise all these utterances were unnecessary right at the beginning of the war of Mahabharata, certainly not so important as to attract the attention of a magnanimous personality like Krishna.
                            "Dear devotees of Krishna, let us take a pledge today, let us make a resolution that we will not allow even advertently any blemish to defame the noble life of that spotless, innocent, virtuous and realized soul. Let us follow the footsteps of the ideals of great people." Following are the words of Krishna
yad yad acarati shresthasthat devetaro janah
sa yat pramam kurute lokas tadanuvartate
This is thus the preaching of life and the simple solution of finding happiness, peace and prosperity in life

Friday 8 June 2012

Hare Krishna

What is Hare Krishna?

Who is Krishna? Why do people dress in robes and chant His name on the streets? What is the philosophy of these Krishna devotees? What's the meaning of their chant?
Krishna is a name of the Supreme. It means "all- attractive." Anything that might attract you has its source in the Supreme. Therefore the Supreme is also known as Rama (rhymes with "drama"). "Rama" means "the highest eternal pleasure."
All of us are pleasure-seeking creatures. So you can say that directly or indirectly we are all seeking Krishna. Chanting Hare Krishna is a way of seeking Krishna directly.
As for the word "Hare" (pronounced huh-ray), it's a call to Krishna's divine energy. Just as the sun shines forth to us through its energies like heat and light, the Supreme reveals Himself through His multitude of energies. If the Supreme is the source of everything, then whatever we see--and even what we don't see-- belongs to the energy of the Supreme.
Now we're trying to exploit that energy, but the more we try the more entangled we get and the more complex our life becomes. But when we place ourselves in harmony with Krishna and Krishna's energy, we return to our natural, pure state of consciousness. This is what we call "Krishna consciousness."
Krishna consciousness is not something imposed on the mind. On the contrary, it's already inside of each of us, waiting to come out, like fire in a match. Chanting Hare Krishna brings out that natural, pure state of mind.
The chant is called a mantra, a vibration of sound that cleanses the mind, freeing it from anxiety and illusion. And this is a mantra anyone can chant. It's for people of all religions, all nations, all colors, and both sexes. No need to pay any fees, join any group, or turn your life upside down. Whoever you are, whatever you do, you can try the chanting for yourself and experience its result.
Krishna and His energy are fully present in the sound of the mantra, so even if we don't know the language or intellectually understand how it works, by coming in touch with Krishna we'll become happy, and our life will become sublime.


Saturday 12 May 2012


                                                   Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
                                                   Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
                                                   Hare Rama Hare Rama
                                                   Rama Rama Hare Hare
"Hare" can be interpreted as either the vocative of Hari, another name of Vishnu meaning "he who removes illusion", or as the vocative of Harā,a name of Rādhā, Krishna's eternal consort or Shakti. According to A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Harā refers to "the energy of God" while Krishna and Rama refer to God himself, meaning "He who is All-Attractive" and "He who is the Source of All Pleasure".Rama can refer to Ramachandra or to Krishna as Radha-Raman, another name of Krishna meaning beloved of Radha. In the hymn Vishnu Sahasranama spoken by Bhishma in praise of Krishna after the Kurukshetra War, Krishna is also called Rama.Rama can also be a shortened form of Balarama, Krishna's first expansion.
The mantra is repeated, either out loud (kirtan), softly to oneself (japa), or internally within the mind. A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami describes the process of chanting the Maha Mantra as follows:
Krishna consciousness is not an artificial imposition on the mind; this consciousness is the original energy of the living entity. When we hear the transcendental vibration, this consciousness is revived ...[]... This chanting of 'Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare / Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare' is directly enacted from the spiritual platform, and thus this sound vibration surpasses all lower, strata of consciousness - namely sensual, mental, and intellectual ...[]... As such anyone can take part in the chanting without any previous qualification.